Friday, September 18, 2009

iCalendar in XML

For those interested, Jon Udell has had a recent conversation with Mike Douglass and Steven Lees, editors for the draft of the iCalendar XML specification. The draft can be found here:

My name and DDay.iCal are mentioned a couple of times during the conversation. It's nice to see DDay.iCal being adopted by more and more people.

To hear the conversation, follow the link below:

Happy coding!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

iCalendar Validation

In my previous post, I spoke about Jon Udell's work with iCalendar feeds and his push toward acceptance and compatibility of iCalendar feeds on the Internet. With electronic scheduling and calendaring become a more popular method to manage ones life, the ability to share this information with others also becomes increasingly necessary.

In response to this problem, Jon Udell, Ben Fortuna (creator of iCal4J), and I have started an initiative to standardize the iCalendar validation process, to ensure that calendars indeed will work with any system that consumes them:

We've also begun work on an XML schema for representing information that validation utilities can use to validate iCalendars. This validation process will notify the end user about variations from the standard, and will indicate areas of their iCalendar that may be incompatible with other systems, along with recommending alternatives.

If you're interested in validation of iCalendars, then please visit the Wiki.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

iCalendar feeds

Hi everyone,

Jon Udell from Microsoft has been doing some interesting work lately involving iCalendar feeds, their current status, and where they need to go for future acceptance.

Among the libraries he's using to test are:
  • iCal4J
  • DDay.iCal
  • vObject

Sam Ruby has also posted about an iCalendar Validator:

Check these out if you get a few minutes.
